Application for Temporary Electricity Meter Removal


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Service Description
  • Service Code/Number: ADDC.34
  • Service Category: Transfer and removal of electricity services

A service to apply for the removal of a temporary electric meter after the completion of the projects and from the lands for which a temporary land plan is issued by the Municipality of Abu Dhabi. The contractors and consultants who are in charge of the property shall submit the application and receive the insurance after the closure of the account by visiting the branches according to the applicable agreements and procedures of the company. The beneficiary categories of this service are residential, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural and Governmental.

Channels For Obtaining The Service

Traditional Channels

Service Centres
Contact Centre
Telephone Calls

Digital Channels

Required Documents
  1. Letter from the contractor (in case of temporary line).
  2. Land Plan.
  3. Copy of owner's Emirates ID.
Steps To Obtain The Service
  1. Submit the application with the documents.
  2. Study and review the request by the competent staff.
  3. Create a field activity for meter removal.
  4. Issue a work order to disconnect the cable from the feeding source.
  5. Close the application.
Required Fees Free
Relevance To Other Services
Categories Of Customers

Number Of Visits
e.g +9715xxxxxxxx